Welcome to Class One
About Our Class

Miss Webb
Class 1 welcomes students in Key Stage 2, starting from Year 4. Our classroom is based on a primary classroom setup but is adapted to suit the needs of our learners. Our classroom aims to provide a positive and safe learning environment to work in. Across the timetable, the students will work with a variety of specialist teachers and support staff in order to enhance the delivery of our curriculum. We are also lucky to be supported by two teaching assistants in our small class environment. Our aim is to support the students by working in range of different ways including independently and collaboratively. We use Churchill points and our behaviour system to reward the students for their efforts. All tasks are adapted to suit every individual and challenge them to their full potential.
Our day
Each day starts with meeting time where the visual timetable is shared. It provides an opportunity for the class to be altogether and discuss the day ahead. We also follow structured activities that include both independent and class reading activities, discussion of what’s in the news and the delivery of units of work provided by our speech and language team. Following meeting time, the students then follow their fortnightly timetable.
Our timetable
Class 1 have a two week timetable. Each week consists of 5 lessons a day, each 1 hour long, followed by enrichment on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. During enrichment time on a Tuesday, the class focus their learning on RSHE/careers. A Wednesday allows students to develop their independence and a Thursday provides the students with a variety of different experiences. Lessons are taught by a variety of subject specialists including PE, music, design technology, geography and science. Class 1 access 2 hours of PE a week. As part of the KS2 PE curriculum, Class 1 have a 30 minute swimming lesson every week at the local leisure centre.
We support our students that require additional provision through interventions. This could be within lessons, small group work or structured programmes delivered by the class team. We also have support staff including speech and language, the pastoral team and occupational therapists who deliver interventions outside of the classroom setting.
Miss Webb
Associated Pages
For further details regarding the principles of our curriculum and the courses available to our students select the ‘Our Curriculum’ tile below. Select the ‘Our Subjects’ tile for information on the curriculum content within each subject taught at Churchill School.