Student Health
Your Child’s Health
The specialist nursing team are available to provide support for students in school.
Parents have a duty to inform the school if their child has any medical condition which may affect the child’s well-being. Parents should tell us of any allergies and current treatment, if any.
If children suffer a bout of sickness and/or diarrhoea they should be kept at home for 24 hours after they are symptom free.
Several staff hold current First Aid certificates. We are only allowed to administer First Aid. If additional treatment is necessary we will contact you. We treat all injuries as serious. You will be contacted if your child’s injury is a cause for concern. If necessary we will seek medical advice or treatment if you cannot be contacted.
If a child needs to have any form of prescription medication during the school day, a member of staff will administer this. Medicines must be brought to the office in the morning and collected from the office at the end of the day. Parents must complete and sign a medication form giving full details of dosages and times etc. No medication can be given unless parents have completed a Medication form.
By necessity, some children are required to take long-term daily medication and this should be brought to the office for safe-keeping; preferably no more than two weeks’ supply should be held in school at any one time. Parents will have to complete the Medication form detailing dosages and times; the school office must be informed of any changes in this information.
For the safety of all the children, medicines may not be kept in the classroom.
Medication forms can be downloaded from the attachments section on this page.
It is expected that students suffering from asthma will have suitable medication available in school. Children will normally take responsibility for the safekeeping of their own medication near to hand. It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor use and arrange for replacements to be made in good time.