Our Students
Churchill School caters for children aged between 8 and 18 years who are of average or above average cognitive ability, usually with a diagnosis of language and communication difficulties, high functioning autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, social pragmatic difficulties and those difficulties associated with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia.
The students’ needs may be complex, creating significant barriers to learning.
They may have associated behavioural difficulties, but they will not have severe learning difficulties or significant behavioural and emotional difficulties.
Each application is assessed on an individual basis. In each case, we take account of the needs of the individual child and consider whether the school would be suitable to meet their needs with particular reference to the following factors.
- Students will be aged between 8 and 18 years at the time of admission
- The student has the potential to access a mainstream curriculum
- Students will be assessed as performing average or above on the Wechsler scale or equivalent assessment measure
- Students will have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), specifying that s/he has specific difficulties with language, interaction and communication or a diagnosis of autism.
- If you are applying for a post 16 placement, the post 16 pathways can be found on:
Admissions Process
Parents and carers are advised to read the attached Admission Arrangements.
Applying for a Place
Our admissions procedures are as follows:
- An initial visit to the school by the young person’s parents/carers
- A referral from the Local Authority including detailed information about the young person
- An offer of a place to the Local Authority, if it is agreed a placement at Churchill School is appropriate
- An agreement by the Local Authority to fund the placement
- A transition plan including visits to the school.
If you think Churchill School could offer the right placement for your child, please contact us to arrange to visit the school. At the same time, you should inform your Local Authority of your interest.
All admissions will be processed through Suffolk Local Authority.
Appeals will be to the First-tier Tribunal for statemented students. Parents whose children have special educational needs can appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disability) against decisions made by Local Authorities in England about their children’s education. The application forms and guidance can be found on