Churchill School

Our Curriculum

The curriculum at Churchill School enables all of our students to become:

  • Successful learners who are ready to learn, make progress and achieve
  • Respectful and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
  • Confident young people who are able to live safely, healthy and fulfilling lives
  • Aspirant individuals who are aiming to succeed and, as a result, committed to learning throughout their careers

Our intent is that the curriculum:

  • Delivers opportunities for students to learn to be successful, to gain useful and transferable skills whilst also acquiring relevant knowledge
  • Affords opportunities for all students to develop a high level of literacy and numeracy required for success in the wider curriculum and in adult life
  • Expands students’ perspectives through a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities to promote their sense or moral and social responsibility
  • Ensures that all students are able to thrive and develop as healthy individuals and good citizens
  • Ensures that all students are safe and understand how to stay safe
  • Fosters a strength of character, and resilience that will help to cope with choices and overcome the challenges they are likely to encounter in life
  • Provides an appropriate range of opportunities and experiences to inspire our students to succeed in the next stage of their education, training or employment

GCSE Options at Key Stage 4

In order to offer as diverse a curriculum as possible Churchill School works in partnership with Samuel Ward to offer the following subjects at Key Stage 4:

  • History
  • Languages
  • Art & Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Music
  • Statistics

If you are interested in following one of these courses at Key Stage 4 we will look to provide taster lessons in class 4 alongside access to teachers of the subject within Samuel Ward. Discussions between students, parents and Churchill SLT members will then work on the logistics of the lessons from Class 5 onwards.

All students follow subjects linked to the Ebacc curriculum as part of their studies where applicable for the individual student.


We believe that enrichment opportunities are an essential part of our students’ education. For two afternoons a week at the end of the school day from 2:50pm to 3:40pm there are opportunities for students to access a programme of curriculum enrichment activities.

Work Experience

Students have the opportunity for vocational learning and personal development in the work place. This provides them with a chance to engage with the community through work experience, shadowing or integrated approaches depending on what is most appropriate.

Further information

If you require further information about the curriculum at Churchill School please address your queries to Mr Komodromos via the School Office.

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